Help and advice please

Hi,my mum is in her 70s and has had health problems for a while. Very bad tremors and lately she's had a few mini strokes. She was admitted to hospital a week ago and her body weight was 5stone which was a shock. The doctors decided to send her home,very confused and upset by this ,we called out the family doctor. They arranged an mri scan and we were  contacted the day after to say they'd found masses or dark areas. This has lead to a mammogram booked for tomorrow. From admission to hospital to the appointment tomorrow it's been a week. What should we expect after the mammogram? We are so worried that it's the inevitable and being so small she won't survive if it is the worst .

  • Hello Jooles2305 and thanks for getting in touch

    I am very sorry to hear about your mum and the decline in her health. The news of some abnormality on a scan and the need for further tests must be a worry for you all.

    Depending on what the mammogram shows they may also wish to carry out an ultrasound to check out any unusual areas. If needed they may wish to take some tissue biopsies of any areas they are unsure or are concerned about to give further information.

    Unfortunately no one here can say what may be going on and it really is only further tests that can confirm a diagnosis for sure. As soon as the doctors have all the information about your mum they can then sit down and go through all of this to decide the next steps moving forward.

    As and when any cancer is diagnosed the treatment plan is dependent on the type and stage (size and extent) of the cancer. The general health and fitness of the patient and any other underlying health conditions is also taken into consideration and all of these things may affect the overall outcome.

    I really hope you know more soon. Do ask lots of questions along the way to the doctors and nurses directly involved in your mums care, to keep informed and in the loop.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care
