What to expect

We have been researching what to expect and possible expectancy with having secondary cancer from the bowel now in liver lungs and spine. 
there’s nothing when we search this. Whilst waiting for the full results we have just been told this. 
not great dropping that bomb shell and waiting weeks what the results are 

  • So scared any advice would be so grateful 

  • Hello Alli7 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about the situation you find yourselves in and appreciate what a difficult time this must be.

    It is never easy to receive news about a cancer let alone is spreading to other parts of the body, but to not know what will happen next is very unsettling.

    Every cancer is different in type, stage and location. Because of this the treatment plan for one person with bowel cancer that has spread to the liver, lungs and spine can look very different to someone else. It will only be the specialist doctor at the hospital who can say what is best for this situation.

    It sounds like the doctors are running further tests to give more detail about the situation so they can give the most appropriate treatment and once the results are in they will discuss this further.

    We have some information on our webpages about advanced bowel cancer including sections on secondary liver cancer, secondary lung cancer and secondary bone cancer. This includes information about some treatment options that may be on offer to treat these. 

    The doctors will often assess both the extent of the disease as well as the general health and fitness alongside any previous treatment they have had to decide the next steps. I am sure they will be wanting to do all they possibly can to give the best possible outcome given the circumstances.

    Without being directly involved in any patients care it is difficult for us to say what to expect about treatment or what the overall prognosis may be for any patient. These are questions that need to be answered by the team involved.

    I hope you know more and getting a better understanding of all of this very soon.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best


  • Thanks so much Naomi really appreciate your kind words and information x