Dad has had kidney removed but there is 2cm on other kidney

Hello, I am not sure where to turn so hoping to use this platform to help. My dad had his kidney removed last week after being diagnosed with kidney cancer. There is still a 2cm renal rumour in his other kidney. An MRI confirmed that lesions in his liver and pancreas were not cancerous and that it had not spread there. I feel relief that the kidney is out but so scared that it has already got into the other one. They haven’t told us what stage it is yet? And I’m really scared he’s going to die. Can you tell me what they might do for the other kidney. Is there any way at all he will be cured. I don’t want to feel optimistic if he’s going to die. Sorry to sound so morbid. Thank you to anyone who might reply to this. X

  • Hello Cattykins2024 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your dad. It is always an unsettling time waiting to find out the results.

    Without being involved in your dad's care it is difficult to give an opinion on your dad's next step. A lot will be determined on the stages,types and grades of his kidney cancer as this will decide what further treatment he may need.

    Once the pathologist has examined the kidney under the microscope they will discuss their findings with the surgeon and oncologist and work out a plan moving forward. The doctors will also take in to account the fitness of your dad and how he would cope with any treatment.

    I can understand that you want to know now, but really the doctors need more information before they can make any decisions.

    If you are next of kin do try and go to any follow up appointments with your dad if you can, so you can have the chance to ask questions. Your dad may also be given a specialist nurse who will be there to support you and your family.

    Try and take one day at a time and don't think too far ahead.

    You are both welcome to ring and chat through any of this with one of the helpline nurses.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
