cervical cancer

hi, I think that my mum has cancer as unusual cells showed up in her pap smear and she had to go for a biopsy but I'm not very versed in medical procedures and anytime I try speak to her about it she shuts off and won't speak about it, I had to hide it from my siblings that my grandmother had cancer and I just want to know if she does. is there signs I could look for or somehow I can find out.. any information on this cancer would be appreciated.

  • Hi there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear you are worried about your mum.

    No one here can say if you mum has cervical cancer or not and I'm afraid you will need to talk to her again to find out more.

    It may be that your mum is a private person who likes to keep things to herself and deal with things on her own, not wanting to worry other people.

    The cervical screening programme is designed to pick up abnormal cells at an early stage where they can be monitored or treated ( removed) to prevent them from turning into cancer at a later stage. A biopsy is able to confirm the type and severity of abnormal ( precancerous cells) to guide the treatment and management of them. Rarely is cancer found through the screening programme and when it is it is often at an early stage where it can be successfully treated.

    We have information about abnormal cervical cells here you may wish to read but really the answers about what is going on can only come from your mum. Do try and sit down and have an honest conversation when you can. However you need to prepare yourself that if she doesn't want to disclose this information to you that is her choice that needs respecting.

    There are no outward signs or symptoms of this type of cancer that you can be looking out for to tell you more, i'm afraid.

    Take care
