still waiting

Husband still waiting to find out results.  Has a lump in his patroid gland. had 1 needle biopsy,  was sent for mri, couldn't have it done as was clostraphobic,  tried again with sedatives but still not able to have it done. So they done a ct scan instead,  waited another week to be told the biopsy was inconclusive,  sent for a second biopsy a larger one.

Then a week later sent for a ct scan of his chest ? .

Got a call last week to say we had an appointment with the consultant the next morning. Naturally expected the worse especially with them doing a ct of his chest as well. went in to be told they still don't really know. the biopsy has now been sent for further testing I think he said to determine if its benign or a sarcoma I think he said . They said they would know by Wednesday,  but we're still none the wiser.  they have also found a 8mm nodule of his lung which need investigating., why did they do a ct scan of his chest if they didn't know still if the lump in his saliver gland was cancer.

We had the 1st biopsy on the 29th April and still none the wiser,  Sleepless nights and stress is getting to us both . Just seems an awful long time to wait and they appently still can't tell us anything. Is this normal,  I can't remember waiting this long when my 1st husband had lung cancer for his diagnosis xx just very worried and totally stressed out

  • Hello there and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's situation, this must be a worrying time for you both.

    Unfortunately without anyone here being involved in his direct care we cannot say what is going on, and it is still a matter of needing to wait, I'm afraid to say.

    Waiting and not knowing for however long is very unsettling. Sometimes things aren't always straightforward and it can take a number of different tests for the doctors to work out what is going on. This of course can delay the process of getting a confirmed diagnosis that can lead to even greater levels of anxiety.

    Some people in similar situations will contact the hospitals PALS department or raise a complaint so that their situation can be looked into. This may also be able to speed up the process, but not always.

    I really do hope you get some answers soon and that everything will be okay.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes
