Lung Infection right side

I had breast cancer last year. Op was July. Had a cough for 6 months. Contacted doctor. Chest X-ray 4 weeks to get result. Infection right lung. Gave me basic amoxicillin for a week and said get chest X-ray in two weeks after finished. Worried it’s more than that and that he didn’t want to even see me? Phoned Brest cancer nurses Friday not had a call back yet

  • I'm in the same position. Initial chest X-ray showed up perhaps lung infection on both sides. I'm on my last and 5th day of amoxicillin. Got another X-ray in 4 weeks. I'm sick with worry. Both my parents died of lung cancer. 

  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    You did the right thing is talking to your GP about your cough and leaving a message with the lung cancer nurse team.

    Your chest x-ray would have been reported by a radiologist so it is highly likely that your past cancer surgery would have been taken into account.  However, I can appreciate your concerns so do remember that you are going to have another chest x-ray done to make sure the infection is going, and if anything else worrying is there.

    You only left the nurse team a message on Friday so hopefully, they will get back to you soon. They are likely to look out for the chest x-rays and let the medical team know this has happened, you may want to check that they need to do this. 

    You are not long post surgery to remove the lung cancer so I can appreciate you may be worried about it coming back.  But it may also be worth remembering that you can still pick up infections and develop other health problems that will have nothing to do with your cancer.

    You may find it helpful to talk with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
