Anxiety due to side effects

I had my first infusion of Docetaxol and Cyclophosphamide and the Herceptin injection on the 11July.  My side effects have been manageable thankfully but today I have swollen glands in my neck.  I have spoken to a nurse from the oncology team who was satisfied I had followed guidance and did not need to reviewed at this time.  I am becoming very anxious, possibly fixating on this and now feel my fingers are swelling.  I know this can be a side effect also.  I don’t want to phone again as I know how busy they are but wondered whether I could take a 40mg Propranalol which I was prescribed for anxiety on a PRN basis whilst going through surgery etc?  As I’m sure my anxiety isn’t helping. 

Thank you

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry that you are having a difficult time of it just now.

    We can't advise specifically on prescribed medication, as we are not part of your current clinical care. Do persevere with contacting your hospital care team, or else contact your GP and ask them. They can review this, and advise. If you are struggling, then do ask for more support for your ongoing anxiety, and they can refer you on to local support services.

    The NHS Every Mind Matters website has advice on managing anxiety

    I hope this helps, 

    Kind regards,
