Rising ca125

Hi, I'm a BRCA1 gene carrier. I was diagnosed initially with high grade serous ovarian carcinoma (stage 4). I had ultra radical debulking and adjuvant paclitaxol and carboplatin, 6 rounds. I also went on to olaparib maintenance 

September last year, my CT showed disease metastasis to the lesser curve of my stomach. This was finally confirmed via biopsy taken during an ultrasound endoscopy in December. Fast forward to February and surgery was attempted, but I was closed back up due to proximity to my pancreas.

I started another course of carboplatin and paclitaxol at the beginning of may. I've had two uneventful rounds, then on my third, I had an allergic reaction to the carboplatin. It was advised to wait until my CT before commencing any chemo again and to try desensitizing. However, in the interim, my ca125 has risen from 44 to 76 in a month and chemo was again, put on hold. I am due to have bloods again in a few days, but the nurse mentioned something about the Dr calling with results as to whether I'll even be having any more chemo depending on results? Does this mean they think it's not worth carrying on? Do I need to prepare myself for the worst? Sorry for the silly questions, I'm just so scared. I'm only 40 with three children, one of which is only 10.

Thank you in advance,

  • HI there and thanks for the post

    I imagine this is a difficult time for you and it is only natural to be worried.

    Unfortunately we can't say if this rise in your ca125 is significant and whether your chemotherapy will need to be stopped.  This is something only your specialist doctor can answer so try and sit tight for now and try not to over think things until you have spoken with them.

    The repeat of the blood test alongside the scan result will give a better picture about whether the cancer has responded at all to the chemo. If they don't think it has alongside the reaction you had during the 3rd cycle they may think it best to discontinue this combination of chemotherapy. This doesn't mean there won't be other chemo or other treatment options available for you and the team will discuss this with you if this is the case. I am sure your team will be wanting to do all they can to give you the best possible outcome.

    We have a section called if your ovarian cancer comes back on our website that may be useful to take a look at.

    I hope you know more about your situation soon and that everything will be okay.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best
