Post RALP surgery and ED timescales

I had Postate robotic removal 11 weeks ago ( non nerve sparing) have read that ED will be an issue but help would be provided by NHS in 9 months time as such as demand. Reading elsewhere if you don’t have physical treatments or assistance on what to do then muscles and tissues will be come inactive and never regain any erectile function. I am only 58 yrs old 

  • Hello Voltswagen and thanks for your post,

    If you haven't talked to your surgeon or your prostate cancer nurse about this subject it would be a good idea to do so. You may have already been encouraged to do pelvic floor exercises. Some men find that Pelvic floor exercises help maintain an erection.

    I am not sure whether you have encountered any problems since your surgery when you have tried to get an erection or if this is something that you are anxious to prevent in the future but do talk to your team about your concerns and ask them how you can help prevent this in the future.

    There are different medications and mechanical devices that can be used if a problem occurs post surgery. Your team should be able to advise you on what services are around in your area. There maybe erectile dysfunction clinics that you could be referred to.

    We have information on our CRUK website and you may also find it helpful to look at Prostate Cancer UK on erectile dysfunction

    Prostate Research also have some information on this subject. Prostate Cancer UK has more information about how sexual function can be affected by this surgery.

    I can understand that these can be difficult and sensitive questions to have with your doctors but they are aware of problems that you may encounter post surgery.

    There is a charity called  Tackle which is a nationwide support group for men with prostate cancer. they are able to advise you where your nearest centre is or how to set up your own. It can help to talk to other men who are in a similar situation.

    I do hope that some of these links may be helpful but if you would like to discuss any of this with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to get back to us. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes,
