Dark Brown Spot on shoulder

Hello, I was using sun beds for a month (say 4 times a week) this also the only time I have ever used them and then went on holiday for 2 weeks I’ve been home a month now and have noticed a pee sized dark brown spot on my shoulder it is also very itchy and has never been there before

  • Hello and thanks for posting, 

    I can understand your concern, but it is probably a new mole or freckle following recent sun exposure. Try and apply some cream to it for a few days and see if it settles and stops itching. You can ask the advice of your local pharmacist as well. If they suggest that you see a GP then make an appointment. 

    The NHS has information on moles and we have information on skin cancer symptoms on our website

    Cancer Research UK doesn't endorse the use of sunbeds and have information on our website that explains this more.

    We also have more useful information on our website links here about being safe in the sun

    I hope this reply is useful,

    Best wishes,


  • Thanks for getting back to Vanda

    I had an appointment with my GP this morning and she has referred me to a dermatologist.. as it has grew quickly and is 6mm