Lump in neck

Hello, I have been concerned over how exhausted I have been feeling for about 12 months now. However, in January I noticed changes in my period, bloating, extreme tiredness and prolonged bleeding. I had blood tests which in January showed that I was low in folic acid. I took the tablets but they never made no difference so I went back in March about my tiredness and periods, had a thyroid test done and all was OK, was advised didnt need to continue with the folic acid tablets. I also had an internal scan and scan of my belly but all was fine (thankfully). Recently discovered a lump in my neck about 5 weeks ago (same side I had hodgkins lymphoma 16 years ago, although the lump is more to the side of neck/under jaw and I would say its about the size of a powerball or maybe a large grape). I have had blood tests done again and they have come back satisfactory and some normal. However, my white blood cell count is 11.2 which says is above the expected level and since my blood test in January my platelets have increased as well as neutrophils etc, but they are within normal range. I do have an appointment with haemotology next thursday however, my anxiety is through the roof. I really hope it's nothing but between present pre menopausal symptoms (i'm 32), extreme tiredness to discovering the hard lump in my neck 5 week ago, all I am doing is thinking the worst :'(.

  • Hello Emma10292 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about the symptoms you are having and appreciate the concern this is causing you.

    Unfortunately no one here can tell you what the matter may be and therefore you need to wait and see what the haematologist has to say. Your doctor is in the best position to assess you and to think about what other tests they may need to do to find out more.

    Symptoms can be caused by many different things and most of them won't be because of cancer so try and take things one step at a time for now.

    I hope you know more soon and everything will be okay.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.


  • Thankyou Naomi - I am hoping for the best ️