Going back to work

Hi, only a week and a half into treatment which is 5 weeks chemo radiation for stage 3B1 cervical cancer then 3 or 4 rounds of brachytherapy. 

I know it’s early days and everyone is different but just wondering how long people have off before returning to work after treatment. Obviously everyone’s workplace is different. I am a TA in a primary school. My husband thinks that I will need a few months to recover but I think it will be less than that. Just wondering really. Thank you. 

  • Hi Vik24, I’ve had a very different cancer and treatment plan and am going through my phased return at the moment. I waited until four weeks after radiotherapy ended and decided to have a six week phased return to work. I felt really well at the time but am finding the fatigue increasingly difficult as my hours are increasing. I have twice had to ask my employer to extend the phasing back period. I so wanted to get back to normal but my advice is to be cautious on the RTW plan. I am finding that people at work expect me to carry out 100% of my work even though I am on reduced hours and it’s causing me stress having to discuss extending the phased period with my manager and HR. 
    I hope your employer is supportive and that your RTW experience is a positive one. 

  • Hi Jellybean730, 

    Love the name by the way! Thank you for ideas. I have never been through treatment like this so I don’t really know how it will affect me. Part of me can’t wait to get back to ‘normal’ but I know that is a bit silly and I definitely should not rush it. I need to have a good think and then a discussion with my employer about it. Even though everyone is supportive at work I know when I get back it will be busy and some will just expect me to get on with it! I phased return is a good idea. 

    I really hope that your situation improves and that this reduces your stress. It’s made me realise that I have to put myself first and I hope that you can too. 

  • Hi Vik24. Thank you for replying. 
    It’s good to think ahead. It helps to keep you going. I did get to a point during treatment where I accepted that “normal” might not happen as soon as I had hoped and I started focusing more on my recovery. 
    Hope treatment is going well and the side affects aren’t too bad for you   

  • Hello Vik24 and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about the treatment you are having, this can't be an easy time for you.

    As you say everyone's body is different in the way they manage to get through and beyond treatment. Recovery times will vary but until you have finished your treatment there is no way of knowing how you will be feeling or when you will be ready to go back to work.

    The work you do will also play a part in when you should go back. Cancer treatment can takes it's toll on the body physically but mentally and emotionally it can be draining too.

    Fatigue and tiredness is a common side effect that affects patients. Some people do find they may need to adjust their working pattern to begin with when they first go back to work.

    It is early days still so try and take things one step at a time for now and see how you feel after you finish the chemo/radiotherapy. You could then have a chat with your school to let them know how you are and discuss what you may be thinking time wise in going back.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Best wishes with the rest of your treatment.
