
My husband is currently having chemo for low grade lymphoma. He had his 5th cycle last Friday and his blood work was great. In the last few days he has developed a runny nose and cough which is really worrying me. He has been in ICU for pneumonia (March) and almost died. He spoke to his chemo nurse a couple of days ago and she said to keep an eye on his cough, but it hasn’t improved. He gets so angry when I ask him if he’s ok. He won’t call the nurse again and he has screamed twice now in front of our 11 year old daughter. I feel so scared and isolated, and I just don’t know what to do. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm really sorry that you and your husband are going through such a tough time at the moment. It's understandable you are feeling scared and isolated.

    Even if your husband doesn't want to speak to his chemotherapy nurse again, you can try and discuss your concerns with them or one of his team. Coughs and colds are fairly common when someone is undergoing chemotherapy but they need to know if the cough is getting worse, considering his fairly recent history with pneumonia. They will also want to ensure that his temperature is being monitored. If he develops a temperature then antibiotics are usually prescribed.

    Having cancer can place an enormous strain on everything else in life including relationships. This is something that will hopefully will pass. We are all different and sometimes people behave selfishly or badly because they feel threatened or frightened.  I am not sure if this could have anything to do with your husband's behaviour. It may help to take a look at our information about  cancer and emotions on our website. It's  also important to look after yourself and do what you can to de-stress.

    I hope things improve soon. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over.The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Thank you for your kind reply Celine. Things seem to have settled down a bit now. He still has a cough and runny nose, but it’s intermittent and with no temperature, so I am assuming that it could be a side effect of the medication rather than an infection. The temper flares have calmed too - I am also assuming they could have been triggered by the dexmethasone infusion? Just one 

    Just one more cycle to go .