Glioma Brain Tumour

My husband has just been diagnosed with high grade brain tumour.  He was under one hospital in London but now has just been transferred to another hospital in London.  He had some of his brain tumour removed as low grade but now been told high grade.     I want to support my husband in the best way I can.  Do you have any leaflets/links etc for what is good for my husband to eat and what foods to avoid.   He is being treated with chemo and radiotherapy and been advised that he will be doing some clinical trails. 

If there is anything I need to know or ask the consultants at our initial meeting.   Do they give time scales of life expectancy.   Sorry if I seen muddled but so stressed and overwhelmed with what is happening so quick..   

  • Dear Maureen, thank you for posting. 

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's diagnosis of glioblastoma. I'm sure it is a difficult time for you both. 

    Processing all the information given to you both at this time is very overwhelming, if you read anything provided here and do think of questions then write them down to take with you to your appointments. Your husband should also be allocated a specialist nurse (CNS) to who you can ask questions to outside of the doctor appointments.

    There isn't a particular diet for your husband to be following. Maintaining a good appetite is more important so people often find they eat little and often rather than 3 big meals a day. Reasonable exercise, where appropriate, for his physical health as well as emotional support for his mental health will also help. 

    We have information on diet and cancer on our website which may be useful to read, and this also links through to our prehabilitation pages which help in the lead-up to his treatments. 

    Supporting someone with cancer can be emotionally draining for loved ones. You must take time to try and look after yourself too, I hope you have support through friends or family.

    Take care, and if you want to talk anything through with the nurses on the helpline then call Freephone at 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
