Breast Cancer and bones

I had my appointment with the Consultant and Breast Nurse specialist yesterday. They were great and they spent a lot of time with me and told me that the biopsies show Stage 3 Left and Right Ductal Carcinoma. Oestrogen receptor positive and four lymph nodes affected. Unfortunately my CT scan results hadn't come back yet so they weren't able to be very specific about treatment until the team have the results and meet to discuss. I have another Oncology appointment next week. 

I mentioned some pain in my back and when I cough or sneeze or even breathe deeply, pain in my ribs. Sometimes the pain takes my breath away. My worry is that it has spread to bone. I have had arthritic back pain in the past.

Will the CT scan pick up if it has spread to bone and they'll tell me this next week or do I need to ask for further advice or tests to rule this out? Is there anything my GP can do as I see her in a couple of days?

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation, this must be a difficult time.

    I know you mentioned this at the meeting you had with the specialist but it is worth contacting your breast nurse specialist again about your concerns. If there are abnormalities in the bones this may be picked up on the CT scan and hopefully, they will be able to tell you more once they have the results.

    It is also worth speaking with your GP  so they can assess you and recommend pain medication to help with this. However, it is important to know that this pain you are having may not be related to breast cancer at all and can be caused by other non-cancerous conditions such as arthritis.

    I hope you can get more help with this from your team at the hospital and GP. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best


  • Hi,  I have had emergency treatment for an L5 spinal tumour to avoid paralysis. I was put on steroids when diagnosed on Monday and I had a single fraction Radiotherapy on Wednesday. I'm out of hospital for now awaiting further biopsy results from the primary breast tumour and 10 more secondary spinal tumors. I have to wear a brace to support possible spinal compression.

    I have been asked to contact my dentist urgently although I had a check up just last month.

    I'm just not sure what I should say. I assume I need to check for anything sinister in my mouth. Is it important to tell them about the steroids and the spinal compression. Will they just do a check up and maybe x rays?

  • Hello and thank you for getting back to us.

    I am sorry to hear about what has happened, this must be a worrying time for you.

    I think the reason you are being asked to go to the dentist is to check your teeth and gums before you start a treatment called bisphosphonates. This treatment can help protect your bones against the cancer and reduce pain.

    If you need to have any dental work, the dentist will need to carry it out before you start this treatment. Please do talk to your breast cancer nurse who can confirm why you are being asked to see your dentist. Do let your dentist know about your situation, and the treatment you have had so far.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,
