Pain Levels

I was diagnosed with Stage 3 colon cancer in mid May after a positive FIT test followed by a colonoscopy. Since the colonoscopy/biopsy I have been suffering from extreme pain and was prescribed liquid morphine. I have tried to seek reassurance from my medical team but with no response. My surgery is not scheduled until 30th July. It is a long wait. Is it normal to be experiencing this level of pain? Could I have realistically expected response from my surgeon? Feeling a little abandoned and scared. 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to hear you still have some symptoms. Do keep your GP notified of how you are. The procedure may have caused some swelling inside, which may persist for a while. I am not sure that the surgeon can suggest anything very specific, as you are now quite close to your planned surgery.

    Try and avoid bending or heavy lifting, and do take the painkillers as prescribed. Morphine can cause constipation so be aware of this. If this is a problem, then seek advice from your doctor or pharmacist, about taking any laxatives. Drink plenty of fluids, and avoid high fibre foods such as bran, as this may cause tummy pain and increase the likelihood of constipation. If you become worried, or your symptoms get worse or change, then do ring NHS 111 out of hours, or else your GP. 

    I hope that your surgery goes well.

    Best wishes,
