Hi I've been given 1 yr I have Cancer with unknown primary. They ha e sent a whole genome sequence test 4 biopsies 2 for test of types of cancer what are the chances of them finding my primary source it's all what if for me told bad news ca t even speak it but I'm soldering on start full spectrum treatment tomorrow wish me luck. Regards John

  • Hello John106 and thanks for your post,

    CUP (Cancer of unknown Primary) is not common. With new diagnostic techniques, it is getting easier to find the primary. Unfortunately in some situations the primary is so small or hidden by a secondary it is almost impossible to detect. It does sound like the doctors have been quite thorough in testing to find a primary through the different biopsies and genome sequencing.

    There is a charity that you might find helpful to get in touch with called Cancer of Unknown Primary Foundation. It offers support in different forms including blogs and other forums. It also has information of the research that is going on. You can Email questions in to the charity.

    We have information on our website about the research that is going in to CUP. which you might find helpful to look at.

    I do hope that your treatment goes well and I do really wish you all the best.

    if you would like to talk any of this through with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to get back to us or give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
