Pain management in cancer

What the best way to cope with  cancer pain.  My husband is stage 3 cancer and declined chemo. I just managing him at home. For me it's something new to deal with, especially I am on my own nursing him.

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry your husband is experiencing pain. This must be a difficult time for you both.

    I wonder if he has mentioned his pain to his doctors or specialist nurse. They can assess him and try to establish the cause of his pain. They can also prescribe pain medications so he is more comfortable.

    There are different types of pain and your husband needs to be properly assessed so that the most appropriate pain relief is given to help control his pain.

    Some painkillers can take a while to work and the doses may have to be increased or the pain medication needs to be changed, but this has to be done under medical supervision. We have some information on our website on how pain can be managed.

    I'm not sure if your husband would like to have a Macmillan nurse involved in his care. Their area of expertise is in the management of cancer symptoms, such as pain and they provide emotional support to the patient and family. If he would like to access this service his GP or nurse specialist can refer him.

    If help with personal care is needed then a social worker or the local council can assess for carers to come in and a care package can be arranged. You can read more about this on the NHS website.

    There are often local charities that can provide support and some may also provide sitters to sit with patients whilst relatives go out. You can search what is available locally

    It's important that you also look after yourself. Macmillan Cancer Support have information on looking after yourself which you may find useful.

    I hope this is of some use. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
