Positive QFIT with Iron and B12 deficiency


I had a private general health screening because I’m 52 and my dad recently died of heart failure that we didn’t know he had. I had ecg, bloods, urine and qFIT done. The results came back with red flags on the qfit with a figure of 256, iron deficiency and red blood cells in my urine, and amber flag for low haemoglobin. It said to make an appointment to see my GP as soon as possible. So I got a same day appointment last Thursday and she decided to repeat the tests because she thought the hospital might reject a referral based on private tests. They took blood and I did a urine sample there, and the doctor asked me to do a qfit test and drop the sample into the surgery asap. I got it done in time for it to go off to the lab that day. I have access to results on my nhs app and the bloods have confirmed the low iron and low b12. 

I didn’t notice any symptoms because im perimenopausal, and been going through years of stress and grief of losing both parents, I’ve also got an Underactive thyroid and tone levothyroxine. So I thought tiredness could be due to any of those.  I have been getting ulcers on the tip of my tongue, but pt that down to stress. I am always tired and struggle to concentrate at work. My nails are brittle and always breaking. I poo most days, and sometimes more than once in a day and sometimes it can feel quite urgent and there ihas sometimes been blood on the toilet paper probably for the last couple of years but I just thought it was only a little bit now and then so I just ignored it. Again I thought it all was stres related. It is only since these test results I have pieced this together, none of these symptoms were ever bothering me enough to bother a doctor with.

Anyway, my doctor has made another appointment for me tomorrow to discuss results. I just feel like it’s going to be a 2 week referral for colonoscopy and then diagnosis of cancer. 

I don’t even know what my question is, I guess have you seen many cases of positive qfit with iron and b12 deficiency that weren’t cancer? Or am I right to prepare for the worst?



  • Hello LizzieW and thanks for your post,

    I hope that you have managed to have your appointment today with your GP and have had a chance to ask any questions.

    Try if you can not to think the worst. There may be other reasons for your symptoms  other then cancer but if any of your results are abnormal it is important to rule anything serious out by further tests such as a colonoscopy.

    You just need to take one step at a time. Everyone's situation is very different so it is difficult to compare one person with another.

    If at any stage you would like to ring and speak to one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to do so.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Thank you Catherine.

    I'm feeling much calmer about it after speaking to the GP today. I'm having a B12 injection on Wednesday, and will get iron tablets for the anaemia. My qfit results aren't back yet, but she didn't think they were anything to worry about. She is going to refer me on the 2WW track if it comes back positive just to be sure.