What should I do?

Last year Dr's suspected I might have had Lung Cancer after having a chest xray for something not relevant. Anyway the chest xray showed a 'mass' on my left lung. 

I was contacted by a heart and lung nurse that explained to me what they saw and that they needed to refer me for a urgent scan..

That took 2 weeks.

Well that scan showed I didn't have a tumor but they said it was a cluster of blood cells (I think that's what they described it as) 

Fast forward a year, 

I have a pain in my left lung (chest) that I can put my finger on. I also feel the pain in my back in the same area. 

I have episodes of feeling breathless and I'm very tired alot of the time. I haven't lost any weight. This has been going on for about 3 weeks now. 

I will book in to see the Dr but my question is, could the 'Cluster of blood cells' they say I have in my lung actually be cancer?

  • I say blood cells. I think they meant veins or something along those lines

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I can appreciate your concern about your recent symptoms. 

    Unfortunately, it isn't possible to draw any firm conclusions, or suggest what the matter is. There are a number of very different conditions affecting the lung, that can all cause similar symptoms, so we can't presume anything just now. It may or may not be related to any previous lung diagnosis.

    Hopefully, the doctors will be able to find out more, and give you more information soon.

    Best wishes,
