Polyps & lesions bowel

Substantial lesions have been found having a recent CT scan and during the last 12 months have had 7 polyps removed. I am terrified numerous substantial lesions have been found. Lesions = tumours ? 
can anyone advice? 

  • Hello there suepoole01 and thanks for the post

    A lesion in the body refers to an area of damaged (in other words abnormal) tissue. A lesion can caused by a number of different things, a lesion can be a cancerous tumor but it can also be caused by something far less serious.

    When lesions are picked up on scans the doctors assessing these will decide whether further tests are needed to find out more precise information about the cause.

    I hope you are able to speak with your doctor soon to find out more about what these mean for you.

    Best wishes


  • Thank you for information,greatly appreciated.