
I am recieving targeted immunotherapy chemotherapy to target my breast cancer. I am in my 2 cycle. This week my skin seems to be reacting to treatment. Have a very dry skin, sore and a burning sensation on my face and eyes. Inside my nostrils is very sore and bloody in the mornings. I have been prescribed Dermol lotion, steroids and a cream for sores which seems to be working. Burning sensation is still present around my eyes.

Is this common for this treatment? I have a long way to go before treatment ends. Shall I call my specialist nurse as chemo is on Tuesday again. Thank you. 

  • Chemo nurses are doesn't matter how small you think the issue is do speak with them as everyone is different.

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    Yes, immunotherapy can cause side effects such as skin issues.

    Do let your hospital team know as they can review any medications, and maybe suggest any measures that may help further, based on their experiences with other similar patients. Keep using the Dermol, and it may take a few days for the steroids to have a full effect. 

    I hope that you are able to get help with this soon. 

    Best wishes,
