Hoarseness, cough for 2 months

My name is Sarah, 45 yrs old and I have had hoarseness and cough for 2 months. I have my 2 week wait ENT appointment on Tuesday but I am petrified!!! I am a smoker, the chest x-ray came back clear but have white mucus which this morning had a small what looked like blood in, however I’m not sure. 
I’ve googled everything from lung cancer to throat cancer. I’m just at the end of my nursing associate training and due to qualify in August, I am worried about losing my life, my children etc. 

I don’t know what to expect from the appointment and cannot explain just how frightened I am. Does anyone have the same symptoms or experience? 

  • Just to add, I have been asthmatic since childhood. 

  • Hello Sausage1978 and thanks for your post,

    It is always unsettling going for an appointment not knowing quite what to expect.

    I am sure that the consultant will take a full history of any symptoms that you have had and how long they have been going on for.

    The ENT doctor may pass a nasoendoscopy tube to see your nose, back of the tongue, throat, and voice box. If this throws up any concerns I am sure that they will want to investigate this further.

    There are other conditions other than cancer so try not to think too far ahead.

    You have posted in 'ask the nurses' so if you post in another thread or start your own you may find that you have more replies. Do remember that everyone's situation is very different so it is difficult to sometimes compare one person with another.

    The Consultant may encourage you to think about quitting smoking which may help ease your cough and your production of white mucous. We do have a page on how to stop smoking which you might find helpful.

    I do hope your appointment goes well. 

    If you would like to talk anything through with one of the nurses on the helpline then do get back to us or give us a ring. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
