
In the last 6 months I have become incontinent. It is more so during the night, when

I ca go up to 6 times a night, if I make it on time. I wear pads. I have been reading, perhaps

too much and wonder if its cervical cancer.? What would other symptoms be? I recently had

had a blood test for something else and it didn't show up then, can anyone advise please.

Thank you.

  • Hello Lallyann and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you.

    Your symptoms are specific to you so do go back to your GP to see if there are any other tests that they can do to help find the cause and address the problem.

    There maybe any number of causes far less serious then cancer such as cervical cancer which is what you are concerned about.

    The Patient Association has written some information about how to get the most out of your appointment which you might find helpful to look at.

     I am not sure whether this is a gradual thing or something that has being going on for a while. The NHS have written some information about causes of incontinence

    I am not sure whether your urine has been tested to see if you have an infection. As people get older the muscles do become weaker. If you drink a lot of caffeinated drinks such as tea and coffee particularly before bed time this can have an effect on your bladder.

    I do hope that you know more soon.

    If you would like to talk through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a ring.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
