Oesophageal cancer

I'm finished my chemo treatment.  Flot was the chemo ibwas given I had a good response. Now I'm booked to get oesphagectomy on the 2nd of August quite nervous. And already worrying what if the cancer returns after going through such a big operation.

  • Hello Rebecca12 and thanks for your post,

    I can understand how unsettling uncertainty can be but you sound like you have had a good response to the chemotherapy which is good to hear.

    It would be good to talk through  your concerns  with your team as they have all the information about your cancer and are involved in all your treatment plans. 

    Patients respond to treatment in different ways. The surgeon will be able to tell you more about your cancer when you have had your surgery and the pathologist has been able to examine your tumour under a microscope.

    Try and take one day at a time. 

    I hope that you are getting plenty of support from friends and family.

    If you want to talk any of this through with one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to give us a ring.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,


  • Thanks it's true can't be worrying about 2 years away. The doctors and nurses might put me at ease before and after surgery.