
I'm very nervous.  I've had a one side implant reconstruction and it's a total mess.  I feel butchered.

I've eventually found a surgeon who will correct it.  He wants to do flap reconstruction from my back.  After what I've been through I'm terrified.  I hate staying  in hospital and would want to be out ASAP.  I'm thinking is the result going to be worth the trauma or may be I should have the implant removed and have a prosthesis.  It's a mess now and very unbalanced.  I wish I'd never started it.

  • Hi there and thanks for posting

    I am sorry to hear about your past treatment and the way you have been left feeling about yourself and body.

    Whilst I appreciate it is difficult to know what to do next, it is only you who can make the decision about which direction you choose to go.

    We always encourage people to make sure they gather as much information they can about each option available to them. This will help you to make the best decision for you moving forward.

    Speaking to your specialist doctor and nurse is part of this but also to close family and friends and other patients too. Breast Cancer Now offers a service 'Someone like me' that you may wish to reach out to, in case they can put you in contact with someone who has been through something similar.

    I wish you all the best in whatever way you decide to go and hope you get the end result that works for you.

    Take care
