
Hi there.

so I was diagnosed in May with a Glioblastoma and had the tumour removed in the Belfast by Neurosurgeon . 
radiotherapy started this week on Tuesday and yesterday was told by Consultant Oncologist that they’re not going to give me the chemotherapy treatment as well as full results from London show my cancer cells are methylated so no point. In terms of my surgery, I was talking within 30 mins of waking in recovery. I was up and about the next day…. I’m fully mobile although was told I had to surrender my driving license which I’ve done. Does this all mean I’m going to be dead in less than a year?

  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I'm sorry to read about your diagnosis but pleased you've recovered well from your surgery. I appreciate you having questions about your situation.

    Although, glioblastomas can be very difficult to treat it is fair to say that every patients outlook is different depending on the stage (size and extent) and grade ( how fast growing the tumour is ), the treatment given and how well the cancer responds.

    As I say every patient’s situation is different so even if I knew your stage and grade of your tumour and treatment plan it will only be your own specialist team who can say what they hope treatment will achieve and what your prognosis may be. So do speak to them about this when you get the chance.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello and thank you for your message  it’s stage 4 glioblastoma 

  • I had the same happen to me, had tumour removed in April, said it’s glioblastoma grade 4, started radiotherapy today and said won’t be taking chemo tab and I said why and they said need to talk to doctor, I’m also worried they don’t think I’m worth it, and Iv read chemo tablet helps the radiation work better

  • They told me my cancer cells are unmethylised so cells will repair themselves faster. I have faith in God that I will be healed. Insist on seeing your Oncologist tomorrow. I have. Review tomorrow as well xx