Biospy gone too 2nd opinion

Hello I’ve had a breast lump  and had a us scan told me looks like a lymph node and took biopsy there wasn’t enough cells so repeated with core biopsy where the lady told me it looks fine and not too worry I also had mammogram that was normal it’s been 4 weeks haven’t heard anything so rang and they told me it looks like it’s gone for 2nd opinion and she will chase it I have severe health anxiety and I now believe I have cancer I need too no it’s killing me could this biopsy still come back normal or is it more likely too be cancer? 

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation, it can be a stressful and difficult time waiting for biopsy results.

    I can appreciate that you do need to know, especially when you have anxiety and it is easy to think the worse. There are occasions when a 2nd opinion for a biopsy might be needed to confirm something, but this does not mean that it is cancer.

    Unfortunately, until you have your biopsy results given to you no one can confirm whether or not you have cancer. Living with this uncertainty is difficult and it can feel like you have no control. For some people, it can help distract them by carrying on with their daily activities such as working or meeting friends, but for some people, this is not easy. There is no right or wrong way.

    I wondered what support you have for yourself if you have friends or family that you can talk things through. You may find it  more helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    I hope you do not have to wait too much longer for your results, take care, all the best,


  • Thank you for replying…so does it mean there is something there but not necessarily cancer? Or could it still come back normal ? 
    I have a partner and a few close friends but no one really understands my anxiety 

  • Hi there again cathh

    I am sorry to hear about you having to wait a little longer for your results. Times like this are never easy but can be far more of a challenge if you suffer with anxiety.

    As my colleague has said there is still a good chance this lump is nothing to worry about but it is only the results, once in can say for sure.

    Try and keep yourself as busy as you can to help pass the time.

    Take care


  • Hello thank you for responding too me does it mean there definitely a problem though regardless of weather it’s cancer or not if it has gone too a 2nd opinion? I’m sorry for all the questions I’ve never felt as anxious in my life I can’t function properly it’s the worst I’ve ever felt 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    It is not uncommon for tissue pathology specimens in the NHS, to be reviewed by more than one laboratory. This is to ensure consistency, and maintain quality assurance standards, so try to not over worry about this. Sometimes there is also a delay in the administration side, in producing the report, that then gets sent back to the referring doctor.

    Hopefully, you will find out more soon.

    Take care,


  • Thank for replying i spoke too someone else who said they wasn’t sure about some cells it’s really making me ill the mdt meeting is today and I can’t function properly with worry I just need honestly I wish they would be honest and tell me properly what’s going on