Transvaginal ultrasound

Hi will know how thick the endometrium is when I have my scan or will I have to wait until I see my gp at a later date? 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am unsure of your exact situation but it sounds like you are having an ultrasound scan of the endometrium. Apologies if I have got this wrong.

    They may tell you at the time of the scan, but I cannot say this for sure as each hospital may do things differently. This will hopefully become more clear for you when you have your appointment.

    I wish you the best of luck with this.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.


  • Hi Jemma thx for replying I have had my scan was told I have polyps but she wouldn’t tell me how thick the lining is or anything else she seemed to take loads of measurements and was very quiet during the scan I thought she would be chatty even just to help me feel a little more comfortable I’m still worried as even with polyps I went intro the menapause when I was 28 started my periods at 8 and haven’t had a period for over 14 years I’m 57 and the bleed I had was very heavy like a haemorrhage it just totally flooded e all my clothes down my legs you can imagine I bled like that for 10 days then I have been spotting for another 10 days now I had a message from my doctor I have an appointment to see her next monday

  • Sorry hit the wrong button lol 

    this seems very quick to me which is worrying me I haven’t heard anything about the biopsy on my leg yet they took that on the 26/6 so hoping to hear about that soon so just someone to talk to post a problem shared is a problem halved my dad used to say anyway thx for what you all do 

  • Hello and thank you for your further posts,

    I am sorry to hear what you have been going through with the symptoms you have been experiencing, I can understand this has been a worrying time for you. 

    I know it is difficult but try not to overthink things. It is possible it wasn't a doctor who did the scan but could have been a sonographer or radiographer so they could not say much. It is usually a doctor who gives you the results. You can also not read into the timing of your appointment.

    This period of waiting for results can be such a difficult and stressful time, often there is a lot of uncertainty where people do not feel they are in control. There is no right or wrong way to deal with this, some people find it helpful to distract themselves by carrying on with their daily lives as much as possible such as working.

    You mentioned you are also waiting for a biopsy on your leg, so I imagine this is on your mind as well. I hope you do not have to wait too much longer for this

    Take care and do get back to us if you need to.

    Best wishes


  • Hi I have been told I have to have a hystrscopy on the 31 of this month as the scan was not conclusive so I’m even more worried now I know I just have to wait and see and the results will come in when they do but it doesn’t stop your mind working overtime thanks for listening it helps to just sit and type it out thanks  

  • Hello Anyone- is- me and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry that you are having these investigations and  can understand how unsettling it must be for you. 

    Try if you can to keep an open mind. It is not unusual to have several tests to make sure the doctors have a clear picture.

    They will be able to have a much clearer view of lining of the womb and if necessary they may take biopsies.

    I do hope everything will be alright for you. There are other conditions other then cancer so try not to over think it for now.

    Try and keep yourself busy and your mind on other things so you are not thinking about this all the time.

    If you would like to ring and chat through any of this with one of the nurses on the helpline you are welcome to give us a call.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Hi I’m probably reading more into it than necessary but my mind is doing summersaults I just had the third phone call in four days trying to bring my biopsy appointment forward they called and wanted me to go in the afternoon am I panicking when I don’t need to I’m a long distance lorry driver and am in Scotland until Saturday I explained this to them on the phone and he said he will look for other appointments Sunday or Monday next week please tell me I’m panicking un-necessarily I’ve been reading on the internet and I think I’ve scared myself as it says on there that81% of uterine biopsies are cancerous  

  • Hello again,

    I know this is a difficult time and I can understand you are worrying. I would say that although the internet has a lot of information, it is not going to be talking specifically about your situation which isn't helpful and can heighten anxiety.

    Unfortunately, it is only when you have the biopsy results will you know your exact situation. Until then I'm afraid we cannot say whether or not you should worry.

    I appreciate it is not easy and living with this uncertainty is difficult. If you are feeling panicky when reading things on the internet it is probably best not to look at it.

    I do hope you get your appointment sorted soon. 

    Take care all the best
