Routine gynaecology referral changed to 2ww by hospital.

I'm 46 and had a smear done for the first time last week. The process was excruciatingly painful and my GP was only able to partially see my cervix. However she did notice that I had a rather large ectropian. She explained that due to having no point of reference regarding my cervix she would refer me to the Colposcopy clinic. She said she was not unduly concerned and that this would be routine.

On the NHS app I saw that she put the reason for referral was a 'suspicious cervix', but it was just a standard referral. I've subsequently had my smear results back which were normal. 

I've now had a text for an appt under the 2ww. Therefore it must have been upgraded by the hospital. 

I just wondered why the hospital would do this? Is it because my GP put 'suspicious'. She did not go into any more detail such as mentioning an ectropion. Also, would the fact I've not had a smear before make them upgrade my appointment?


  • Hello and thank you for posting.

    I am sorry you have these concerns but it is difficult for me to answer these questions with any accuracy as we are not part of your care.

    What I can say is that it is not unusual for doctors to use words like suspicious to help get referrals triaged through, and as you have not had a screening previously it is better to have a thorough examination.

    The cervical screening programme is in place for cancer prevention and so primarily looks for HPV which can cause the cells to become abnormal. Your clear result suggests no HPV, and no abnormal cells are present which is good, but if you do have cervical ectropion the colposcopy is still needed to diagnose and potentially treat it. 

    There is more information about cervical ectropion on the Jos Trust website, which is now a closed cervical cancer charity but still holds good information on its site. Also, an NHS trust has this on their website which goes through ectropion and its treatment.

    Take care and if you want to talk through anything then do chat with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
