My beautiful dad has been fighting cancer a while now .
Started with prostate about 10 years ago then in 2021 a colonoscopy revealed cancer .
So after a huge operation and a permanent stoma he was doing well .
Recently his cancer markers agave been slightly increasing and he's very tied ..
After lots of test the bowel cancer is back at the end of the stump they left ..
He needs another op .
But the pet scan he had has revealed a small nodule in his lung .
We sat and spoke the drs which were lovely but they want him to wait 3 whole months have more test and go back as they do t know what this thing is in his lung and its too small to biopsy yet ..
3 months is a long time considering the bowel cancer as well .
Is it normal to wait this long ..
I lost my mum 10 years ago to cancer and this was very quick 10 weeks from finding out to burying her .
I looked after her at home ..
I'm so frightened that history is going to repeat itself .
I know he has had cancer a long time and the odds on it spreading is probably high ...
Is 3 month too long to wait ...
What's the odds this is lung cancer which has spread from either prostate or bowel ..
I'm a level headed person but don't want to delude myself into thinking all is going going be OK and it really isn't..
Looking for advice information and support please..
My dad does have copd has had for many years but it's never been mentioned on the scans, could it be that there picking up ..
Sorry lots of rambling
Thank you xx