Late effects leukamia

I had my late effects acute lymphoblastic leukamia appointment yesterday..they said I have pernicious anaemia due to the chemo I had 50 years ago damaging my bowl..meaning I'm unable to absorb a variety of foods including B12.

I will need injections and monitor blood tests for the rest of my life.


I have untreated ptsd and needle phobia and a history of leukamia and associated treatment since 1973..15 months old

Including late effects multiple brain tumours etc

Am extremely overwhelmed and not sure I can cope with yet another medical issue. 

I have dry skin, mouth ulcers that can last months and breathing difficulties which is how she's diagnosed the anemia. I have a brain mri next month when she has booked for me to have blood taken via the cannula.. if they can't get the cannula in she wants to put in a midline which she has also booked. I don't think I can face this.

  • Hello and thank you for posting,

    I am sorry that you have gone through all this and are feeling overwhelmed by further medical intervention.

    Support for your mental and emotional health is essential so do talk to your hospital team and/or GP about how you are feeling. They can refer you to any services that may be needed at this time or reinstate any supportive services you've had before.

    Mind has information on phobias and PTSD if helpful, with a support line and B12 deficiency is discussed on the NHS website.

    Take care Midnightfish, and I hope you get the mental health support you need. If you want to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline the number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040. The lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
