
Hi I saw ENT recently under a urgent referral due to a lump up my left nostril. The specialist put a camera through and told me everything around my nose, mouth and throat look severely unhealthy. He told me categorically that it isn't pollyps. He told me that I would be going for a MRI scan and then an operation to do a biopsy but also to remove my tonsils and adnoids and depending on what the MRI says other stuff might come out as well. 

I asked him multiple times what it could be and he just said it could be benign and everything is really really unhealthy. 

Fast forward the next day I get a call to book my MRI and everything is happening really fast. 

My question then would be is there any other lumps that can form in your nostril on your middle nasal bone that can cause this apart from polyps and tumors( symptoms include blocked nose on 1 side)

Also does going for the MRI first indicating he's looking for staging and spread as NHS site for nasal cancer says it would be used after the biopsy. Does this sound very much like cancer

  • Hello Blaze9303 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I can only imagine how unsettling this must be for you.

    It is very difficult for me to give an opinion without being involved in your care and knowing what the ENT doctor is looking at.

    In investigating a possible nasal cancer there are various tests that are done. An MRI is good at looking at the soft tissue. At this time the doctor is trying to get as much information as he can by requesting all these different tests. It is the combination of  all the tests that will be able to find out if cancer is present.

    I know it is almost impossible to do, but try and take one step at a time. The ENT specialist was probably reluctant to give an opinion until he has got all the information he needs from the different tests and scans.

    You may find it helpful to look at the information on our website about the diagnostic tests

    I do hope that you know more soon.

    If you would like to chat through any of this with one of the helpline nurses then you are welcome to give us a ring. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,
