Extremely worried about an appointment


3 weeks ago i had a suspected cancerous mole removed and was told i would get results in 4-6 weeks.

Yesterday I got a hospital appointment in 9 weeks time on my NHS App.

I'm confused and worried as to why I have been given this appointment before my test results?

Obviously now my mental health has really took a hit and now i can't eat or sleep with worry,.

Any help would be really appreciated.



  • Hello Kayfed

    I appreciate this must be an anxious time for you, especially with this appointment coming through before you have heard any results.

    Unfortunately no one here can say what this appointment may be for, It could well be in response to the results coming back but it may be helpful to call the hospital to find out more.

    Likewise if you are struggling with this then do speak with your GP, they may have further information about this appointment so do make some enquiries that may ease you thoughts for now.

    At times like this it is important you are looking after yourself by eating healthily and getting exercise and sleep. Sharing your situation whilst you waiting with a friend or family member can also lighten the load. Patient.info has some more tips on easing the worry when waiting for test results.

    I hope everything turns out okay for you.

    Take care


  • Thank you for your kind words and advice, I’ve called the hops and doctors and left messages so fingers crossed I will get some news.