
I finished 5sessions of radiotherapy on the 28 June last Friday the 5 July I started to have slightly blurred vision felt really weak and have been violent ly sick since Friday  is this because of radiotherapy or have I fought some kind of bug I do feel slightly better today but still not normal 

j burton 

  • Hello Jburt and thanks for your post,

    If you haven't let your oncology team know about your symptoms I would let them know so you can be assessed. A lot will depend on which part of the body you had the radiotherapy to and whether you are having other treatment. It is important that you let them know about your blurred vision.

    It may well be a bug but it is important to rule anything else out.

    Do get in touch with your team at the hospital.

    You could always call NHS 111 and let them know about your symptoms.

    I hope your symptoms continue to improve.

    All the best,
