Seroma information

Hi my husband developed a abdominal seroma following double hernia repair in May 2024 ,which occured after his major surgery 1.5yrs earlier for bladder cancer which involved removal of bladder,prostrate and lymph nodes.Repeat CT shows no cancer reoccurance

He developed high temperatures and had 1.5 litres drained from his seroma,treated with IVAS as fluid had bacterial growth on analysis.

This resolved but 10 days later is back again with high temperatures and back in hospital ? drain to go in again.

How long can seromas go on for he also has nerve pain down his right thigh are these connected.

He has also developed wretching and not eating proper meals.

Any advice and reassurance welcomed

  • Hello BVK and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your husband's situation. As we are not involved in your husband's care and his symptoms are very individual to him do encourage your husband to discuss this with his team.

    Seromas are common after major surgery and they are  often reabsorbed but in some cases they need to be drained. They can occur several times particularly if there has been major surgery. I can't say how long this will go on in your husband's case but do discuss this with his team. 

    I would also discuss the nerve pain with his team. I can't say whether it is connected to his surgery but it might be. 

    The retching and not eating proper meals are probably all connected to his recent surgery and his infection. Hopefully with anti sickness drugs this should help. We have some information on our website about tips when diet is a problem

    You may find it more helpful to give the cancer information nurses a ring to go through any of this.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    All the best,


  • Thank you for your responce,we had a good chat with his consultant todsy