Pain in arm after core biopsy

Hi I wonder if I could have some advice please?

I went for appointment on Wednesday evening and ended up having core biopsies of my left breast and markers being put it. Had a lot of pain with a mixture of ultrasound/mamagrams (back and forth into each room) 8 mamagrams in total then numbed for the biopsies which wasn’t as scary as I thought. 
been taking paracetamol as advised, and my breast is less painful, although I have pain in other areas of my body, which is ongoing. Doesn’t feel as sore now, but the pain in my left arm is getting unbearable and paracetamol doesn’t seem to be taking the edge off. It’s the top of my arm, but I just can’t get it comfortable and feels like I’ve got cramp going up the centre of my hand right the way up my arm. I’m barely sleeping anyway with worry I’m trying to tell myself it’s okay and I’ll deal with what happens when it happens, but I’m really struggling with my arm? 

Any ideas of what I can do to get comfortable?

Thankyou for your time 

  • Hello and thanks for posting,

    I am sorry to hear about your arm/breast discomfort. It is possible that some small superficial nerves were irritated or bruised during your tests and biopsies.

    It may take some time to settle. Try and avoid heavy lifting, as in heavy shopping bags, or strenuous activities for a few days. If you are able to, then consider taking some anti-inflammatories such as ibuprofen, as well as the paracetamol/codeine. Your local pharmacist can advise you. You can trying applying a warm wheat pack to the area too. Don't sleep on that side, and support your arm in bed with an extra pillow. Also support your arm when sitting in a chair. 

    Do gentle slow movements of your arm such as gentle shrugging of shoulders, so that your muscles don't become stiff.

    If it persists or gets worse after a few more days, then do contact your GP for advice. 

    I hope this helps,

    Best wishes,


  • Thankyou Vanda. I automatically started thinking lymph nodes etc but trying to remain hopeful to just deal with what I can when I know my results. It’s so hard and feel like I can’t do anything to get comfy, will try what you have suggested x