I think I may have a reoccurrence

I had surgery to remove fat narcosis from my reconstructed breast 29th April.

it was healing well then became hot red and angry so I was treated for an infection at home with antibiotics 

then had to be readmitted to hospital for antibiotics then had to have surgery to give me a was out 

I now have been dealing with to wound healing very slowly 

I have to opened up again last week in the dressing clinic as it was becoming sore again.

im waiting to have a scan which was cancelled when I was admitted to hospital 

but I have noticed to lumps one pea size one larger 

I have mentioned this to the dressing nurses 

im now convinced I have a cancer reoccurrence as my breast is also indented where the lumps are.

i still have not been given my diagnosis from the original surgery i had to remove the fat nacrossis

so just a little freaked out

I’m at the hospital on monday 

to see the breast care team 

but to not have seen anyone from the surgical team to give me my diagnosis 

and to be able to talk about my new findings till July 29th now 

is not helping.

im just looking for reassurance.

thank you.

  • Hello GlORIA24GLO and thanks for the post

    I am sorry to hear about your situation and the complications you are having.

    Unfortunately sometimes things don't go quite to plan and a patient can face some unexpected obstacles along the way. This seems to be the case for you and this must be a challenging time for you.

    Do let the doctors and nurses involved in your care know about your concerns so they can properly assess you to ensure everything is being done to best manage this.

    Waiting for results is never easy and often causes people to worry and over think things. I'm afraid it will only be when the results are back from the surgery and you have spoken with the surgeon that will you know more about this.

    It's good that you are being seen at breast unit today and hopefully they can take a look at you and come up with a plan moving forward.

    I hope you know more soon and things start improving for you.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care,


  • Thank you so much for your 

    Kind words Naomi. 
    mum at the breast clinic now 

    and have managed to get an appointment for next Monday with my team where I can talk about my concerns be checked out.