A little worried

Good Afternoon 

I saw my GP today about a lump I found in the muscle of my lower thigh.  She measured it and had a good feel. It is 2 and hald to 3 inches long and one and half inches wide. Sausage shape not moving. She has referred me urgently for a ultrasound. I am 61 years old and had some thyroid problems this past 12 months and had a non cancerous large growth removed last year. The doctor has put on the form sarcoma. I understand she needs to rule this out or catch it early! She used the word sarcoma without question mark, can she be sure? Or have I misunderstood. 

I would appreciate your thoughts 

Kindest regards 


  • Hello and thanks for posting

    I appreciate it can be worrying when you have a lump and can understand you wanting to find out more.

    There are many medical explanations for lumps. Your GP putting sarcoma on the ultrasound referral form indicates that any serious conditions like sarcoma are either ruled out or caught early if they are present.

    However, this does not mean she is certain it is a sarcoma. Doctors often use such terms on a referral form to make sure the scan and any other tests are prioritised. The ultrasound will hopefully help to provide more information about the nature of the lump which can help decide what the next steps should be.

    I hope you know more soon and that everything turns out to be okay. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things through. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hello Heather

    I've also been referred for biopsy under urgent suspected sarcoma cancer ,as I have a lump on my shoulder I've had 2 ultra sound, and mri now they want biopsy and has be done by specialist which means going to another hospital or possible other further away hospital ita been going on for 4weeks now and I'm losing my mind ,my lump is around 22x15mm I just need answers now.

    After seeing the letter saying them words I freaked but I do believe they have to say that to get us in quick but that still don't make me feel any better ill be honest....hope your OK 

    Stacey xx

  • Dear Stacy 

    Thank you so much for replying to my message. I did find Celene's message very helpful. I am sorry to hear you have had so many different tests and still no answers. I had this last year with a larg growth on my thyroid two ultrasounds and MRI and finally surgery to remove and ascertain its histology. Thank God it was benign after all. It was a worrying time. So I am keen not to go through all is again. However the tests are  necessary for us both ,  good that they are being thorough. I pray you get answers soon and that it is a benign lump and nothing to worry about. I will endeavour do at I did last year. Take one day at a time and not let the worry about the future rob me of  joy of today., easier said than done

    Take care and God bless Heather 

  • Hi Heather, 

    I'm sorry to hear your had this similar situation last year to but brillant news it was benign.

    But I know the stress it would of cause and worry at the time as I'm literally living it right now ,

    I do understand all this testing is necessary, my god I struggle hard with the mri I really don't want to have do that again..

    I'm really praying it isn't sarcoma or anything concerning but so far it's not looking to good being a soft tissue lesgion with vascularity:-( 

    Hope you gey answers to I'm here if you ever want chat ,im sending you lots postive vibes and energy..

    Stacey xxxxz

  • Dear Stacy 

    It's the not knowing I find the hardest. I think most of us hate that. Also the tendency to fear the worse. I do find comfort in the fact that even worse case scenario. Treatments are good when caught  early, it sounds like both of us have  seeked medical help asap. I pray you get your biopsy soon  and the news that all is well.

    Last year  the thyroid surgeon was concerned about my growth as it looked different to common cysts on the MRI and ultrasound. He had a suspicion it was cancerous, i had  the op within 2 weeks It  turned out it wasn't cancer after all.  They were going to do a ultrasound guided  biopsy but couldn't because there was too many blood vessels in the growth so had to wait until surgery and histology.

    I certainly found by trying to park my fears and just make the most of each day really helpful particularly as I had no pain. Is your lump  painful?  Do you mind me  asking how old you are? I am  young 61!!! Don't feel my age I am a Mum of 4 sons and 3 grandchildren 

    I wanted to thank you for your offer to talk if I needed to. The same to you. Please let me know how you get on. I am Christian and my faith very comforting, I will be praying for you and your family 

    Take care 


  • Hello Heather 

    I'm 38 mum of 2 I don't have any pain at all from my lump I actually feel like nothing wrong with me at all just so happend to itch my shoulder one day and I felt it my lump is about 2cm so not massive,  bloods just showed my vit D is slightly low thats it ,ultra sound shown vascularity which is what they wasn't happy with and same with mri but guess confirmed it's soft tissue lesgion ,hard and moveable, so now I wait for a biopsy which app I'll have to go to a specialist or else where do alot further out from my local trying to not freak out is so hard as your mind naturally takes you to the worse case ... my children are my everything so I have stay postive for them but yes im struggling at times it's been like 4weeks do far still no wiser and seeing them write cancer on the referral letter made it feel so much scarer but many say they have write that evan when they don't actually know if it is cancer just to get it pushed through quicker on the 2 week referral act ??? 

    I've sent you a connect request so we can msg direct IF that makes it easier if not I'm happy on here to :-) xxx