Referral for breast lump. What will happen when I see the consultant breast surgeon?

I visited my GP who was concerned with the lump in my left breast, flattened nipple and what was felt in my underarm. Two days later I've received a letter with an appointment to see the Consultant Breast Surgeon next week.

What should I expect at this appointment? 

I assume he will examine me. If he is also concerned will I have any other tests that day? Or will I be invited back at another time?

  • You will probably have a mammogram, ultrasound and possibly a biopsy all on the same appointment if the breast surgeon thinks there is cause for concern. This is what happened to me on the first appointment. After that I had another appointment in which I was given the results of the biopsies and told that surgery on the breast and the removal of the axillary lymph nodes was necessary. Obviously, it depends on the procedure of your hospital but I would have thought that there is always time pressure and all the tests would be carried out on the same day.

  • I wasn't sure if a Consultant appointment was different from an actual breast clinic appointment 

  • Hi there I was seen by a nurse specialist, had examination, mammogram, ultrasound and biopsy of left breast with titanium marker placed. After waiting a little while afterwards I was called back in to see the specialist nurse and was told it was very likely breast cancer at that appointment. Then 2 weeks later saw the Consultant who did confirm a large tumour requiring potential mastectomy and sentinel node biopsy. Sent away for 2 weeks to consider my options and decided on mastectomy and immediate reconstruction. This was 3 weeks ago. Hope all goes well for you and I’m sure you will be in great hands. I have been so well looked after throughout this process

    Best wishes from Mary 

  • Aw thanks for that Mary....and I hope your journey continues smoothly. 

    Take care.


  • Thanks, see the Consultant on Monday for results and see if chemotherapy needed. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

    Look after yourself


  • Hello and thanks for your post

    It is very likely at the appointment that the breast team will take a full history (ask you questions about your health),and do a physical examination. You may have a mammogram and possibly an ultrasound. A needle biopsy is usually suggested if the scan shows changes in the breast that the doctors are not sure about. This does not mean that anything is particularly wrong but the biopsy will usually confirm what it is.

    You might find that the specialist is able to give you an opinion of what they think on the day, but if you need a biopsy you won't get the results for a couple of weeks or so.

    The charity Breast Cancer Now has information on what to expect when you’ve been referred to the breast clinic. It may also help to say that the majority of women referred to the breast clinic will not have breast cancer.

    I hope everything turn out to be okay. Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi there

    I think you will have mammogram, ultrasound etc all on the same day and when you meet your consultant or surgeon. I was under 50 when my breast cancer appeared so hadn’t had a mammogram as a matter of routine screening  so it all happened at once. Once the tests were in I had a couple of meetings with my surgeon who explained the treatment and surgery options . It was all so professionally done, and I was given such a positive experience throughout . Whatever decisions you make , if you have to make decisions, I am sure there will be time for this and a lot of support from professionals who in my experience, gave me massive  reassurance . 

  • Hi Mary,

    You were the first person I really spoke to when I was referred to the breast clinic and just wanted to check in with you and see how things went for you? I hope you had a fairly productive meeting with your consultant and the path ahead is clear. 

    Take care,


  • Hi there Linda lovely to hear from you and hope things are going well with your treatment.

    I am now six weeks post mastectomy and reconstruction and feeling good. Had some pain initially mostly in the armpit area due to sentinel node biopsies. Saw the Consultant and don’t need chemotherapy, which was such a relief! Have to start on new medication called exemestane instead of Letrozole which I have been on since my last breast cancer treatment.

    Please let me know how you are doing. You can private message me if you like.

    Bye for now

    Mary x