Breast Cancer

I was diagnosed with ER+ and HER2- breast cancer in 2015 and then secondary breast cancer in 2020 which had spread to my spine.  This cancer is stable with no concerns; however today having had a mammogram and biopsies done earlier last week, I've been told I have Triple negative in my right breast.

I am on continuous chemo tablet medication with monthly bloods and quarterly CT scans, how has this get missed. And why were my mammograms stopped in 2019?

I'm just a bit shell shocked at the moment trying to get my head around this and working and thinking about how I am going to tell my family.

Anyone else have this situation?

  • Hi Bluefrog and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to learn of your situation, I imagine it is difficult to get your head around what is happening and a shock. I can also appreciate it is really hard having to explain what is happening to your loved ones.

    It might be worth seeing if you can speak either with your cancer specialist or nurse special specialist (CNS) again. As they know your situation they might be able to explain a bit more about what has happened and why the mammograms were stopped. It sounds like you may have a new primary breast cancer, this is something your team can clarify for you.

    Usually, the follow-up after breast cancer is 5 years,  during this time you have mammograms yearly, and then after 5 years you go into the normal NHS breast screening programme and depending on your age if you are over 50 you have mammograms every 3 years until the age 70.  This may be why the mammograms were stopped in 2019, do check with your team at the hospital

    You may find it easier to talk things through and you would be welcome to ring the nurses on our helpline. The freephone number is 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care, all the best
