Should I be concerned

After having an ultrasound yesterday I received call from the doctor2 hours later to tell me that I’m being referred to surgical outpatients. 
Liver cyst 2.5cm and 1 gallbladder polyp 6mm in 2018 under active surveillance. Lung cancer July 2018 and November 2023. Chemotherapy following second surgery finished in April but post treatment scan didn’t report on liver and gallbladder as requested so doctors made another appointment which was yesterday due to extreme upper tummy pain nausea and occasional sickness. 
I was told my results would be back in a week or so, so I was shocked to get call so quickly. 

doctor said “ don’t be alarmed but we’re going to refer you to a surgeon- liver cyst now 4cm and gallbladder polyp 2cm and there’s two others plus a cyst like legion in the center”. 

what’s the likelihood that these are anything suspicious. I’m trying not to worry, but in light of my recent cancers is it likely this is precautionary or could they now be thinking these issues need treatment 

I would appreciate some feedback if anyone could please advise what is likely going on, what these could be/mean and what’s likely to happen or other peoples experiences of similar problems.
really don’t know what to think 
love and strength to all walking this path x

  • Hello Hutchi and thanks for your post,

    I can understand how unsettling it must have been to get a call so soon after your ultrasound but I am afraid it is really only the surgical team who will be able to tell you any more.

    The appointment may be to discuss further tests or biopsies if anything is not clear from the ultrasound. Every case is very different and it is hard to know what is going through the doctor's minds based on what they have seen on the ultrasound. Often different tests are needed to find out the cause of symptoms and to interpret an ultrasound result.

    You may hear from other members of the forum but every case is very different so try and keep an open mind.

    I do hope that you have an appointment soon.

    If you would like to ring and speak to one of the nurses on the helpline then you are welcome to do so.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
