Smear Test Result Confusion

Hello nurses

I had the results of my smear yesterday from a private clinic (they test for HPV and look at cells as standard for the price)  and I’ve been told that I don’t have HPV  (great) but there were a few clusters of atypical glandular cells which she was wasn’t sure about but could be endometrial but they are not sure. My period started that day (was having some spotting) Could this be the cells? I don’t want any further investigation if there was no HPV found, as if I was with the NHS I would be told to go again in 3-5 years time.I’d be happy to go again in 6 months/a year to see if nothing seen at all a second time.

I was wondering if a nurse can help please with my questions? I have a lot of anxiety around it all and had a private smear for the reduced result waiting times. Thank you  

  • Hello Sunandrainlover and thanks for your post,

    It is difficult for me to give an opinion on your atypical glandular cells as I am not a pathologist. I wonder whether a report was sent to your GP about your test.

    I would make an appointment with your GP and go through any results with them.

    I am not sure where you are in the NHS screening programme and why you went for a private smear test. You can read about the NHS Screening Programme

    Depending on the results of your last NHS smear test and when you had it, will depend on when you are called for your next screening test. 

    Try not to worry too much.

    It is difficult for us as nurses to give an opinion when we don't know all of the circumstances.

    I hope you are able to talk this through with your GP.

    You may find it helpful to ring and chat this through with one of the nurses on the helpline.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
