Weight Loss

I have been getting food stuck in my throat for some time. Having lost over 2 stone this last 12 months, I promised my daughter I would see the doctor. I’ve had a camera into my stomach and that’s fine. There is a lump on my clavicle and I now realise that it’s the lump pressing into my throat that’s causing problems. I’m not sure if they would have picked this up during my abdominal investigation. I just don’t know where to turn; the doctor may think I’m wasting their time. I’m still losing weight, but it has slowed.

Thank you,


  • The doctor would not think you were wasting their time. Best to make an appointment.....

  • The doctors definitely won't think you are wasting their time. You have symptoms that are causing you difficulty and whatever their cause, it needs to be investigated. Hopefully  the cause will be something minor and easily cured. 

  • Hello and thank you for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about the worry you have about your symptoms.  I am afraid we can't tell you what is causing this lump so the best thing to do now is make an appointment to see your GP. You will not be wasting anybody's time.

    I hope you can get an appointment to discuss this with your doctor. But also remember that most lumps and bumps will not be caused by cancer but may need to be investigated.

    You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Take care


  • Thank you Caroline. I did mention this to a doctor some time ago, but as my appointment was for a chest infection, he was quite annoyed that I asked, so I left it at that. I was 13 stone in weight, now I’m  just over 10 stone. I’m probably eating more than usual, so it can’t be right. I have now made an appointment about this specific problem. Thank you so much,

    stay safe,
