Palliative radiotherapy

I have an untreatable breast cancer, now in the form of an ulcer on my chest.

It bleeds and supporates, is about 2×3", and is dressed twice a week by district nurses.

It is slightly infected and smells sometimes, which is treated with Anabact cream when dressed.

I am also eighty and have severe M.E (chronic fatigue). I'm on my own

and rely on care workers.   

Going out leads to extreme fatigue, meaning I can do nothing for days.

I'm about to go for a scan at a hospital about an hour away, plus consultation with oncologist. He told me by phone last week that options were either 6 fairly low doses of radiotherapy at a rate of one a week, or possibly a single high dose.

I am afraid of losing my last summer in exhausted collapse,  so any feedback/experiences of others would be appreciated to help me think,of questions I need to ask. (I always write them down in advance in case I am too stupid from exhaustion to remember them at the time.)

All other things being equal,  the single journey would be preferable from the point of view of fatigue. But I don't know of things would be equal. 

So any feedback regarding side-effects and effectiveness of the 2 options would be appreciated (is the big single dose as effective at drying it up as 6 lower ones, are the side effects more extreme etc) plus any other questions I need to ask.

If you've been in this situation or observed it as a nurse,  any feedback you can give would be very helpful. 

  • Hello, and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation.

    I think that you are best talking to the radiographers who will know the level of radiotherapy you will receive for one dose versus 6 low doses. 

    You sound like you have quite a distance to travel each week if you were to have the lower dose of radiotherapy and this would also cause quite a bit of tiredness with your ME with the travel each week.

    If you feel happy to do the drive each week it does give you the opportunity to be seen for the next 6 weeks where any problems can be addressed.

    I am sure that both types of radiotherapy would be just as effective. I think in terms of the tiredness this is a question best answered by the radiographer but there may not be much in it. I am not sure about the effect of radiotherapy on ME and I can't see any research studies looking in to this but I may be wrong.

    I am sorry to rather sit on the fence. 

    I hope you manage to have another discussion with your team. 

    You are welcome to ring and chat this through with the nurses on the helpline.

    Our number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open Monday to friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
