Weekly Chemo

I’ve spoken to my mums doctor for five minutes today at her first oncology appointment. She has just had a bowel resection op to remove what they hve now said is stage 3 cancer which has spread to lymph nodes. She is 81 years old and despite some other ailments are advising 30 weeks of weekly chemo.

I don’t know what the side-effects might be or what support she’ll need. I’ve googled but not finding too much. I’m not sure she is going to take it but am going to speak her again in a few days - the 5 year rate for her age only goes from 12% to 23% and not sure she wants the suffering of the chemo / how else can I inform her more please ?

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    Treatment decisions are often challenging and many people struggle with them, but I'm sure you know, only your mum can decide whether she wants to go ahead and have chemotherapy treatment.

    I think it's important that she understands all the information she will be given by her specialist team. There is often quite a lot to take in and it can be overwhelming,  so do encourage her to get back in touch with them if there is anything she isn't sure about. 

    Chemotherapy can cause side effects, these vary depending on the type of drug and also from one person to another. Nurses administer chemotherapy and if your mum wants to go ahead and have chemotherapy they can let her know what to expect, what she needs to do to look after herself and give her tips on how to cope.

    Some people worry a lot about their cancer coming back and going forward, they find the idea of having more treatment reassuring. Others are able to focus on the odds being in their favour and don't feel the additional benefit is offset by the palaver and possible side effects of further treatment. So it may be worth your mum thinking about her mental and emotional approach to her diagnosis and her risk in general.

    I hope this has been of some help. Give us a ring if you would like to talk things over. The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,
