Post surgery

Hi I have had a mastectomy and reconstruction I am now 8 weeks from having it, all seems to be going well but my skin seems sore around the edges of it pretty much where all the stitching is u def the skin is this normal for it to feel like this? Thank. Trish 

  • Hello and thanks for your post

    I'm pleased to read that you are recovering well from your breast surgery. It's not uncommon for the skin around the edges where the stitches were to feel sore, even tight eight weeks following a mastectomy and reconstruction. The area has been through significant trauma and is still healing.

    However, if you feel the soreness is getting worse or you notice any signs of infection such as redness swelling, area feeling hot, or discharge, it is important to let your breast care team know so they can check you over. 

    Please do get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    Kind regards,


  • Hi there I had a mastectomy and reconstruction three weeks ago. Also 5 nodes taken from armpit. The most discomfort is from the armpit area. Finding it difficult wearing a tight bra all this time and will have to do this for another 3 weeks I think. Are you finding it difficult to sleep? I usually sleep on my side but can’t do that at the moment so hardly sleeping. Have quite a warm feeling in the breast and slightly reddened in one bit. At first it felt very weird and not me, but think some of the sensation is now coming back a bit. Seeing the consultant next Monday to find out results. Hope your progress goes well, it’s all very strange and new x

  • Hi, yes I have lymph nodes removed aswell and ad you the first few weeks that is where all my pain and discomfort was but as time has gone on thankfully that has settled. I am doing ok but struggling to adapt to the implant as I find it so different the feel everything, I am also having but of pain discomft in my skin just where the stitching is under the skin. I do miss sleeping on my side as I used to aswell but still 8 weeks on I am uncomfortable to do this hope you results are ok x

  • Thanks for the reply. Great to know the pain in the  lymph nodes has settled. The implant does feel weird. My tumour was very large and the nipple area all removed. Still got the dressing strip on but the scar looks quite tidy but very large. Would love a decent night’s sleep. Do you have to have any further treatment? Will find out next week if chemotherapy needed. Hope you are doing okay x

  • No I don’t think I need further treatment although I’m waiting to see if I have the gene and go from there! Yes I have the colour of the nipple skin but lost all the middle part yes my scar is rather big but is very neat and tidy, I have good days and bad days hope goes well for u x

  • Hoping that you don’t need to have any further treatment Trish. They are testing me for Oncotype DX and it will depend on the score of that if chemo is needed. Took the dressing tape off yesterday, quite a neat scar, bit raised. Still the armpit area that’s the worst. Hope you get more good days than bad now. Think I might have tried to do too much and feel very tired some days, Mind you a decent night’s sleep would help. Take care and keep in touch.

    Mary x