Colon cancer without any symptoms

I have no symptoms but after routine blood tests showed I was anaemic I was referred for a colonoscopy and a small sigmoid cancer was discovered.  I have been advised to have laparoscopic surgery to remove the tumour but am concerned that I might need a permanent stoma and wonder what % of colon surgery operations have this outcome.

  • Hello and thank you for posting. 

    It is difficult to give a statistic on this subject as it is an incredibly individual situation. People need stomas for many reasons, so giving an average percentage is hard.

    We have information on bowel surgery and Bowel Cancer UK also has information on preparing for surgery

    Your team will talk through with you what they feel they need to do in surgery when they get you to sign a consent form for the procedure. Understandably if they feel the best outcome for you is by creating a stoma, which may be permanent or reversible, they will make that decision at the time. Do talk this through with your doctors and/or specialist nurse (CNS)

    Take care, and you may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9 am till 5 pm, Monday to Friday.
