Extreme dry mouth

Hi all, quick one (hopefully).

I have stage 4 HCC, just about to have my 1st course of immunotherapy.

I know this should be the least of my problems... but.. One of my symptoms is extreme dry mouth.. constantly! It's driving me mad. I'm going through polos and chewing gum like they're going out of fashion. 

Does anyone else have this problem, if so, does anyone have an tips, tricks or remedies they could share? 

Thanks all, take care!


  • Hi there Dan and thanks for your post

    I am sorry to hear you are about to start some treatment but already are experiencing a dry mouth

    We have some information about your mouth including a list of suggestions for a dry mouth. Such as sucking on sugar free gum or sweets as you have mentioned, good mouth care, drinking plenty of fluids and moist foods. Sucking ice cubes or chunks of pineapple can also really help, so give them a try.

    You may also wish to ask if your doctor can prescribe you an artificial saliva product, to see how that helps.

    Please get back to us if you need any more information or support.  You may find it helpful to talk things through with one of the nurses on our helpline.  The number to call is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the lines are open from 9am till 5pm Monday to Friday.

    I wish you all the best with your treatment,

    Take care


  • Hi Dan,

    I found with my Dad it helped when he used to use a spray bottle of water to moisten his mouth. He also had HCC. Best of luck with everything. 

  • You could try Oralieve toothpaste which is very mild and especially developed to help with a dry mouth. It can be bought from Amazon- it’s pricey but you don’t need very much each time! Takes a few days before you notice an improvement but it doesn’t contain the ingredient that causes normal toothpaste to foam which is quite harsh on the mouth. Worked brilliantly for me. Good luck with everything! 

  • Thank you Naomi! I will try ice cubes and pineapple!!

  • That's a great idea MrsP18. I have already ordered oralieve spray with the toothpaste that the other person suggested. This would be alot cheaper! Thank you!

  • Hi Wiselowl1, thank you for this. I've ordered the toothpaste/mouth wash and spray!! I'd give my right arm to solve the dry mouth if I could! 

    Thanks again everyone.