Not sure where to go?? Breathless - secondary Thyroid cancer in lung (2nd time)

Hi there. I had thyroid cancer after partial thyroidectomy and Goitre removed, testeed and found it was cancerous, so 2nd op to complete thyroidectomy.- in 2020. Radio Iodine in January 2021 followed by regular check ups every 4 months. Last year, my cancer markers increased and found 2ndry thyroid cancer in my top left lung.  had 2nd round of radio iodine followed by a lung operation to remove 3rd of my lung last year, no further treatment required, although i have gained weeight, 2 stone, constantly lethargic, paralyzed right side of my vocal chords.  Again, in May 2024 cancer markers increased and its appeared again in my left lung, only 1cm at present and in my thyroid bed.

At present im just waiting for pet scan results to be sent from laslt Monday for the radiology team to review before i have a meeting to discuss a plan of action with radiotherapy trreatment. 

At present, im having issues with stress on m body, even when i dont realise, v oice goes, im very breathless, yesterday i thought i was going to pass out, i dont know whether to take myself to A & E (just worried about being stuck there for 14 hrs) like 2 weeks ago i was in overnight due to lack of oxygen.  Do i ring my thyroid cancer specialist nurse, or do i go A m]n E.  ive had to message work to say i cant work today as im literally just holding it together not to panic, and trying to breathe and rest the body.

  • Hello Shellbell68 and thanks for your post,

    I am sorry to hear about your situation. I would ring your thyroid specialist nurse and see what they advise.

    They may decide that they want to see you sooner. If you are unable to get hold of them you could ring NHS111 and talk to them. It is important that if you are feeling breathless that you seek advice.

    I hope you manage to speak to someone soon.

    If you want to ring us about anything else then you are welcome to do so.

    Our helpline number is Freephone 0808 800 4040 and the nurses are here Monday to Friday 9 am to 5 pm.

    All the best,
